Purpose of and How to Subscribe
Description: Purpose of and How to Subscribe
Categories: Subscriptions and Payments
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- What do I get?
- Paid Subscription: When you subscribe to DollFan at amember/signup, you gain access to be able to post in the forums and utilize our gallery for uploading and displaying pictures. There are forums which are accessible and readable only by subscribed members and if you’d like to be able to sell more than one item at a time, you can read more on that option in our shop articles. The display of outside advertising is also greatly limited to those who choose to subscribe to DollFan.
- Ad Supported Subscription: When you subscribe to DollFan at amember/signup, you gain access to be able to post in most forums. Private forums are for paid members only. Ads will display as they currently do for non-registered members and there is no ability to create a gallery.
- How do I subscribe and what options are there?
Subscribing to DollFan is done at our signup page where new subscribers do have the option to sign up for either a 6 month or 12 month recurring period. For those who choose the long 12 month timeframe, it is a bit cheaper to do so. There is also the option to sign up for Ad supported access to the forums where most features of the forum are accessible though advertisements will display throughout the site.
During the subscription process, you will be asked for a username which should include your real first name in one form or another. Since DollFan is centered around communication between individuals and can and does involve the selling of items, having your name incorporated in your username does instill a bit more trust.
You will also need to supply a valid email address. During the registration process, an email will be sent to you to validate the email address before allowing you to continue on. The email address you use to register with will be the one used for communication between the site and yourself and you do have the ability to update it at any time if needed. You will also be asked to supply a password and it is suggested to not make this an easily guessable one. That said, passwords are encrypted and once entered, no one at DollFan can tell you what it is so if forgotten, the only way to log in is to reset your password which is dependent on your valid email address.
Note: If you are a current member who is re-subscribing due to an expired subscription you can go to your Account Status area which will present you with the ability to create a new subscription. Users with an expired subscriptions are typically still able to log in for an extended period of time.